Instruments of mathematical geography

Terrestrial globes

As the leading producer of maps in Berlin, Schropp took over the globes of Christian Gottlieb Riedig (1768–1853) into his own production sometime between 1810 and 1813. Such globes were used to show the interested public what the latest discoveries were, such as when Humboldt proved that the Amazon River and the Orinoco were connected.

It was not until the 19th century that Berlin became the centre of globe production. At first, globes were mainly produced as they had been since the 16th century.

This globe was made by the publishing company Simon Schropp in 1826: it is an early and rare example of globe production in Berlin. In general, globes portray the current geographical knowledge of the world, but they can also be used for educational purposes. Printed manuals were provided to help teachers and others, who were interested, to conduct numerous experiments explaining the earth and sky. 

One of these experiments is carried out step by step in the media station. Did you know that on a globe it is possible to determine the time of every sunrise at any point on earth, on any day of the year?

Vorherige Station Nächste Station