Großer Lärm

In einem Tagebucheintrag vom 5. November 1911 schreibt Franz Kafka über den Lärm im Haushalt seiner Eltern. Rund ein Jahr später, im Oktober 1912, erschient der Text unter dem Titel »Großer Lärm« in der Prager Literaturzeitschrift Herder-Blätter. Hier sehen Sie das Digitalisat der Titelseite und des Texts auf Seite 44 der Ausgabe.

In his diary entry of 5 November 1911, Franz Kafka writes about the noise in his parents‘ home. Around a year later, in October 1912, the text was published in the Prague based German language paper Herder-Blätter, entitled «Großer Lärm» («Great Noise»).

Great Noise

I sit in my room, the headquarter of noise of the entire apartment. All the doors I hear slamming, and by such noise I am spared only the continuous footsteps between them – still I hear the stove’s door shutting in the kitchen. Our father barges through the doors of my room and crosses through and his nightgown trails behind him; the ashes are being scraped from the oven in the next room; Valli, bellowing word by word through the hall, asks if father’s hat has been cleaned already. A hiss, that wants to befriend me, still carries the scream of a responding voice. The house door is unlatched and blows open, like a catarrhal throat that opens wider with the singing of a female voice and finally closes itself with a dull, manly and most ruthless jolt. Father has gone; now begins the delicate, scattered, helpless noise led by the voices of two canaries. I had thought of that earlier, and now with the canaries it occurs to me again, whether I should open the door a crack and, like a snake, slither into the next room and beg my sisters and their governess on the ground floor for some quiet.